Gas detection, Environmental analysis

The company

ION SCIENCE - Production of VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) detectors and PID photoionisers

ION SCIENCE has over 30 years of industry experience in the design, manufacture and supply of PID gas sensors, gas detection instruments and leak detectors for a wide range of industries and applications. Founded in 1989, it has grown its worldwide reputation by opening branches around the globe. The head office is located in Cambridge (UK).

Research is at the heart of our company, developing our technologies and new products. Instruments are often available in portable, laboratory or fixed versions for installation in the field.

Product categories:

  • Portable gas and leak detectors
  • Personal gas detectors
  • Leak detectors and fixed gas detectors
  • Semi-portable gas and leak detectors

ION SCIENCE products

ION SCIENCE manufactures gas detectors, leak detectors and corrosion monitoring instruments. Our instruments are conceived and designed by our specialised team for application in a wide range of industries. Research is at the heart of our company's development of our technologies and new products. Instruments are often available in both portable and laboratory versions.

Product categories:

  • Benzene monitors
  • Gas and leak detectors
  • Background gas meters
  • Hydrogen flow meters
  • Mercury gas detectors
  • PID and VOC detectors and meters
  • SF6 leak detectors
  • Gas sampling bags
  • Biogas analysers

Ion Science produces a wide range of high-tech products. VOC meters, leak detectors, benzene monitors, mercury analysers and corrosion monitors are distributed and renowned worldwide. Gas detectors can be used in a very wide range of environmental applications, petrochemicals, chemicals, indoor air quality and landfills, biogas plants, to name but a few.

A more complete list can be found in the section Sectors of Application

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Portable benzene and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) detectors

Tiger XTL

Entry level detector for VOC monitoring.

Entry level detector for VOC monitoring.

Il rilevatore di gas VOC portatile Tiger XTL offre un funzionamento semplice con una sola mano anche indossando i guanti più spessi. Il Tiger XTL ha uno stampaggio esterno in elastomero termoplastico, questo materiale in gomma è semiconduttivo rendendo il Tiger XTL intrinsecamente sicuro. L’ampio e chiaro display retroilluminato consente una facile visualizzazione in qualsiasi condizione di luce. Una torcia integrata è progettata per dirigere la sonda dello strumento in aree scarsamente illuminate. La tastiera illuminata si attiva quando la luce è scarsa. Il Tiger XTL ha un pulsante di rilascio per la batteria ricaricabile che consente un collegamento della batteria rapido, facile e sicuro.

Tiger XT

Accurate and precise detector for the detection of VOCs.

Entry level detector for VOC monitoring.

Il Tiger XT è completamente aggiornabile, il che consente agli utenti di aggiungere ulteriori funzionalità se necessario. Le funzioni aggiornabili includono la modalità Salute e sicurezza, la sensibilità PPB, la registrazione dei dati, il solo registro singolo (Push to Log) e il solo registro multiplo. Tiger XT è completamente aggiornabile senza dover riportare lo strumento in fabbrica.

Tiger XT Select

Accurate and reliable detector for benzene and total aromatic compounds.

Entry level detector for VOC monitoring.

Tiger XT Select è un rilevatore di gas PID portatile per benzene con due modalità operative per il rilevamento rapido del gas benzene e dei composti aromatici totali (TAC) che forniscono dati accurati e affidabili. Il rilevatore di gas PID per benzene portatile Tiger XT Select è in grado di fornire limiti di esposizione a breve termine (STEL) di 15 minuti e medie ponderate nel tempo (TWA) di 8 ore per i composti aromatici totali (TAC).Tiger XT Select può essere utilizzato anche in “modalità operativa Tiger standard” senza l’uso di un tubo prefiltro del benzene per fornire indicazioni attive di composti organici volatili (VOC), incluso il benzene, a concentrazioni fino a 1 ppb equivalente di benzene. Questo rilevatore di gas ha uno stampaggio esterno in elastomero termoplastico, questo materiale in gomma è semiconduttivo rendendo il Tiger XT Select a sicurezza intrinseca.

Cub - Personal monitor

Accurate and precise detector for the detection of VOCs.

Entry level detector for VOC monitoring.

Cub TAC 10.0 eV monitor personale totale di gas composti aromatici per un rilevamento rapido e preciso dei composti aromatici totali (TAC), in grado di mantenervi al sicuro all’interno del vostro ambiente di lavoro. Quando l’esposizione dei lavoratori supera i limiti preimpostati, i segnali di allarme (audio, a vibrazione e lampeggianti) di Cub TAC 10.0 eV segnalano i gas presenti. Le letture sono visualizzate sul suo luminoso display LCD retro-illuminato con intervallo data logging selezionabile. Il dispositivo Cub TAC 10.0 eV si serve della tecnologia PID brevettata da ION Science che è stata verificata in modo indipendente come la migliore prestazione in termini di velocità, precisione e resistenza all’umidità. Il suo design unico Anti-contaminazione e la tecnologia brevettata “Fence Electrode” garantiscono un tempo di funzionamento prolungato negli ambienti più difficili, offrendo risultati accurati sui quali poter fare affidamento.

Stationary detectors for benzene and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)

Titan 2

The world's first continuous analysis monitor specifically for benzene


Titan 2 offre una soluzione leader a livello mondiale per il rilevamento del benzene, fornendo un rilevamento preciso a livelli di appena 0,02 ppm (20 ppb) e fino a 20 ppm entro 60 secondi. Il monitor del gas benzene Titan 2 è stato specificamente progettato per analizzare i pericoli aerei e può essere utilizzato per valutare l’efficienza dei sistemi/unità di purificazione o di recupero del vapore (VRU). Il rilevatore di gas benzene Titan 2 ha ottenuto la certificazione per l’uso in ambienti e luoghi classificati ATEX. Inoltre, la custodia è classificata IP65, offrendo una protezione affidabile contro l’intrusione di polvere e acqua.

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State-of-the-art fixed VOC detector for plant protection and worker safety.


Il dispositivo Falco/Falco TAC a diffusione è dotato di un sensore a sicurezza intrinseca posizionato esternamente per una manutenzione facile e veloce senza la necessità di un permesso per eseguire i lavori a caldo. La doppia certificazione consente di sottoporre a manutenzione e calibrazione il dispositivo Falco in ambienti pericolosi senza bisogno di togliere l’alimentazione! Il dispositivo Falco standard viene fornito con una lampada 10.6 eV che permette allo strumento di rilevare un’ampia gamma di gas VOC. Il rilevatore di gas fisso ha 4 campi di rilevamento disponibili, questi campi includono 0 – 10 ppm, 0 – 50 ppm, 0 – 1000 ppm e 0 – 3000 ppm. Il dispositivo TAC Falco si serve una lampada 10.0 eV per rilevare i Composti Aromatici Totali (TAC) che aiutano a concentrarsi sul benzene. Il dispositivo TAC Falco è disponibile con un range di rilevamento di 0 – 50 ppm.

Spreading hawk

Hawk with pump


Continuous detection of volatile organic compounds with multiple ranges


This rugged fixed VOC monitor has a selectable range of 0 - 10 ppm, 0 - 100 ppm or 0 - 1000 ppm and is ideal for use in manufacturing and process industries where VOCs are typically present. With a 4-20 mA analogue output, the fixed VOC monitor can simply be integrated into a control system (DCS) to provide alerts and allow control of high VOC levels in your working environment! ATEX and IECEx certified, it can be used in areas classified 'Zone 2' and 'Zone 1' without safety barriers.

Portable leak detector

Calibrated Leaks

This fitting allows calibrated joints to be created for testing monitoring systems.

Calibrated leaks

IonScience produce raccordi di perdite calibrate a seconda delle richieste specifiche del cliente in base al flusso richiesto, pressione e tipologia di gas. Ogni raccordo è certificato ISO 9001:2008 assicurando una grande qualità e accuratezza. Sono costruiti con acciaio inossidabile per garantire nel tempo l’accuratezza del funzionamento, inoltre sono facilmente installabili per i controlli annuali.


Rilevatore di fughe di gas Panther

Il rilevatore di fughe di gas Panther è l'evoluzione vincente della serie GasCheck. Creato per una accurata individuazione delle fughe di gas. Si distingue per la sua ergonomicità, risultando pratico da maneggiare.

Rilevatore di fughe pratico e maneggevole

Mercury vapour detectors

MVI detector

For fast and accurate detection of Mercury Vapour Indicators (MVI).

MVI - mercury vapour detector

It is a revolutionary instrument capable of detecting mercury vapours in just 3 seconds. Its dual UV absorption technology and ability to detect high mercury concentrations without saturating make it unique on the market. It uses a high performance pump and has audible alarm systems. It requires no regeneration between readings, eliminating downtime. It allows continuous measurements and offers detection ranges from 0.1 to 200 μg/m³ and 1.0 to 1999 μg/m³. It is ideal for monitoring TWAs (time weighted averages).

SF6 leak detectors

SF6 Leakmate

Low cost SF6 leak detector

SF6 Leakmate - Low cost leak detector

It is the ideal portable instrument for detecting SF6 leaks with a lower detection limit of 1 E-6 mbar l/sec suitable for checking leaks in electrical panels. The instrument is equipped with audio alarms that warn the user of leaks and a bar graph LED display that allows the user to understand the extent of the leak. It has a response time of about 1 second. A special "auto shift" function compensates for any pre-existing concentration levels in an environment due to previous leaks.

SF6 Area Check P2

Designed for continuous monitoring of SF6.

SF6 Area Check P2 - fixed detector

Stationary SF6 monitoring instrument that quickly detects SF6 leaks with high sensitivity. It also has a relay output for alarm or safety systems. It is not affected by other gases in the air or humidity. The instrument can be operated from a PC or network interface. It does not use suction pumps, thus avoiding the problems of filter cleaning.

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ION SCIENCE application areas

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Areas of application
  • Agriculture
    • Production of agricultural gases
    • Fruit ripening
    • Fumigation Gases (such as formaldehyde)
  • Air monitoring
    • Monitoring and detection from industrial chimneys
    • Losses
    • General indoor air quality monitoring
    • Gas control in boxes
    • Measurement of industrial volatile gases in indoor environments
    • Indoor air quality monitoring in industrial environments
    • Perimeter Monitoring
    • Sick building syndrome
  • Self-traction
    • Car production
  • Confined spaces
    • Aircraft / wing tanks
    • Health & Safety, confined space monitoring
    • Ship inspections
    • Silos
  • Emergency services
    • Marine losses
    • Screening tool for first responders
    • Spill investigations
  • Environmental Monitoring
    • Environmental remediation in case of leakage
    • Fuel vapour detection
  • Background gas monitoring
    • Surveys
    • CFCs in landfills
    • CO2 sequestration
    • Coal mines / Underground fires
    • Landfill gas
    • Subsurface - biomass gas
  • Hydrogen flow monitoring
    • Corrosion monitoring
    • Desulphurisation monitoring unit
    • Optimising food stocks
    • HF Corrosion monitoring
    • HIC risk reduction and control
    • Monitoring corrosion at high temperatures
    • Hydrogen bakeout monitoring
    • Acid corrosion monitoring Naphthenic
    • Refinery monitoring
    • Acid corrosion monitoring
    • Sulphur corrosion monitoring
  • Industrial Hygiene
    • Atmospheric monitoring to track chemicals
    • VOC monitoring
  • Investigation and police
    • Arson
    • Clandestine workshops
    • Environmental offences
  • Leak tests
    • Breathing apparatus tests
    • Flow studies in buildings
    • GIS losses
    • Losses in high-voltage installations
    • Tracer gas monitoring
    • VOC losses
  • Mines
    • Coal mining
    • Gold mining
  • Petrochemistry
    • Storage of chemicals
    • Monitoring / Leakage of petrol stations
    • Gas Storage
    • Offshore Gas Monitoring
    • Petrochemical Storage
    • Environmental benzene in refineries
  • Pharmaceuticals
    • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scanner maintenance
    • Gas inside hospitals
    • mnfr pharmaceuticals
    • Sterilisation
  • Process control
    • Filter Monitoring
    • Gas leaks
    • Movement Space Monitoring
    • Solvents in chambers
  • Reclamation
    • Fuel supply monitoring
    • Illegal dumping of chemicals
    • Mercury cleaning
    • Monitoring of soil samples
    • Solvent recovery systems
    • Subsurface monitoring
  • Semiconductors / Electronics
    • Semiconductor manufacturing
Application experience articles
  • Sick Building Syndrome - Immediate and clear analysis of the complete picture.
  • Need for fast and accurate VOC measurements in hazardous petrochemical environments.
  • Helium leak detector for use in high magnetic fields
  • Personal VOC detector for monitoring worker safety.
  • Personal PID detector for aromatic hydrocarbons and benzene in petrochemical environments.
  • PID detector for criminal investigations.
  • Gas detector for safety and health Offshore
  • Detection of mercury contamination in industrial soils.
  • Losses in fuel storage.
  • Creation and development of PID technology.
  • Affirmation of standards for PID sampling.
  • PID for industrial hygiene.
  • Detection of benzene in the vicinity of refineries.
  • Large-scale decontamination of mercury and hydrocarbons.
  • Department of Environmental Sciences, Tsinghua University.
  • Broad-spectrum monitoring of VOCs, TICs and CWAs.
  • Detection of argon leakage in the aluminium production process.
  • Testing of compressors for fire services.
  • Research for ambient air control and monitoring.
  • Security monitoring for Shanghai world expo 2010.
  • Leak detection at borehole sites.
  • Monitoring of hydrogen leakage from cooled turbines.
  • Monitoring of SF6 leaks.
  • Quality control and safety in foam industries.
  • PhoCheck+ used for formaldehyde detection in the laboratory.
  • GasCheck used in petrochemical industries.
  • Toxic leaks - PID's used for emergency detection in China.
  • GasCheck used to monitor helium leaks.
  • Ion Science PID's play their part in the Beijing Olympic Games.
  • TVOC used for toxic gas monitoring.
  • TVOC installed in interior spaces.
  • TVOC as a monitor of vapours emitted from the soil.
  • PhoCheck is the ideal tool for VOCs from soil.
  • Monitoring emissions from BMW vehicles.
  • Vehicle VOC monitoring .
  • Water monitoring.
  • Monitoring in chemical industries.
  • Detection of fuel losses in metalworking.
  • GasCheck checks for leaks in offshore pipelines.
  • Global defence and aerospace.
  • Explanations of PID technology .
  • Controlling leaks in a system.
  • TVOC enables detection at the operator level in oil and gas production.

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ISO9001:2015 certification

ION SCIENCE is ISO9001:2015 certified and actively implements our management system for continuous improvement of processes and procedures to enable us to provide OUR customers with the best possible products and services. Maintaining this certification demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement of the company's management system and service standards to OUR customers.